On-Page SEO Factors: SEO Best Practices Part 1

Here's a short list of On-Page/On-Site SEO factors that affect a website.

I'm mostly based on what I learned on this Platzi course.

1. URLs

These are examples of good and bad URLs when we're talking about SEO:

For a search engine, www.mysite.com/products and www.mysite.com/Products are different pages. URLs are not case-sensitive.

So, a recommendation is to always choose a lowercase pattern when writing links.

Here's more info about URLs.

2. Title
  • Must contain the main keywords of the page.
  • 50-60 characters maximum

3. Meta Tags
  • Description Tag: 155-160 characters maximum
  • Keywords Tag: 6-10 phrases or 300 characters maximum (this is not used by Google)

  • Unique Title and Description improve indexation

4. Headers (h1, h2, ...)

Each page must follow a hierarchical structure on its headers.
Search engines give more importance to text when you specify them in headers.

4.1. H1
  • The most relevant and was designed for describing the page topic.
  • Must be used just a time per page.
  • Can be modified with CSS to improve its appearance.

5. Images

Here's a page where the camera is the image. All content around it describes that the image is a camera. It's a nice example, only its url is not.

Here we can see:
  • Keywords in content
  • Bold and italic also matters because you build your site for users, not for robots
  • Anchor text which is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink (more info here).
  • Image ALT
  • Image file name has to describe the image (more info here)

Finally, this is an example of good structure.

That's all